Undergraduate Student Advisory Board

In 2019, UCLA set out the intention to become a Hispanic Serving Institution by 2025. From there, the HSI Initiative was born. The many facets of the HSI Initiative are encompassed by the 7 recommendations in the HSI report, which consist of: 

  1. Achieving the HSI federal designation
  2. Expanding college access
  3. Increasing college affordability
  4. Improving student retention
  5. Growing our advising services
  6. Cultivating a resource center
  7. Establishing Career Pathways

Through our engagement with stakeholders in the past few years, we have received helpful feedback about representation, diversity, and inclusivity. We want to ensure that the HSI Initiative is molded by the hands of students, and the HSI Initiative Undergraduate Student Advisory Board — with three components of sociocultural, political, and academic campus sections — will be one of two boards to help us do that. 

The mission of this board will be to: 

  • Allow students to get a better understanding and updates of HSI implementation
  • Get a better understanding of HSI and the recommendations
  • Have students weigh in on the implementation of high-priority HSI implementations and shape the future directions of UCLA
  • Foster community, understanding, and cooperation
  • Give HSI an understanding of community needs and direction for implementations

Board members will: 

  • Take part in a fellowship experience
  • Attend meetings on a monthly basis, during the academic year.
  • Give HSI feedback on implementations
  • Act as student representatives of the future Latinx Success Center.