Student Liaisons

Alongside the HSI Director, two undergraduate students support the university’s efforts towards becoming an HSI. This position is a 1-year paid opportunity currently available to enrolled undergraduate students. These two undergraduate students, or the HSI Student Liaisons, are the linkages between the student body and the HSI Initiative, faculty, staff, and administrators in charge of implementing HSI designation.

To gauge a holistic view of student needs and opinions, the HSI Student Liaisons plan and facilitate meetings with students via collaborations with student government and student organizations. More extensive engagement opportunities are occasionally available, such as the Student Summit and the HSI Town Hall, both of which the HSI Student Liaisons support in planning.

Thus far in the previous academic year of 2022-2023, the Student Liaisons have had meetings with leaders from USAC, the Mother Organizations, hosted one Student Summit, and have chaired meetings for two inaugural student collaboratives. By merging all these engagement mechanisms, the HSI Student Liaisons can effectively report and provide feedback to HSI faculty, staff, and the HSI Director on campus-wide implementations.