The HSI Initiative created the Latinx Resource Center Student Collaborative to provide a  student-centric environment for students to envision the future of the Latinx Resource Center. As the institution progresses towards the development of this center, students in this collaborative have become leaders in driving forward a student-imagined implementation for this future resource hub. We find that students are the catalysts who will help the university expand towards a more inclusive and nurturing environment for our community.

Members & Meeting Minutes, 2023-2024:

  • Daniela Cortez Bravo, HSI Student Liaison, UCLA Undergraduate
  • Kimberly Barrueta, HSI Student Liaison, UCLA Undergraduate
  • Isaias Cruz, UCLA Undergraduate
  • Zurisadai Aranda Azpeitia, UCLA Undergraduate
  • Evelyn Castillo, UCLA Undergraduate
  • Tamara Nogueira, UCLA Undergraduate
  • Francisco Mena, UCLA Undergraduate
  • Jonathan Valenzuela Mejia, UCLA Undergraduate
  • Antonia Torres-Tinoco, UCLA Undergraduate
  • Julissa Mendoza Davila, UCLA Undergraduate